
Lunar and Solar Ephemerides appropriate for historical calculations

Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides DE406 of Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Ephemerides VSOP2000

Lunar Solution ELP/MPP02


Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides DE406 of Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)

The DE406 ephemeris is a "long-time ephemeris" which neither includes nutations nor librations. Coordinates of the sun, moon and the nine major planets can be calculated for dates between -3001 Feb 4 and +3000 May 5 referring to the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF).
These ephemerides result from a least-squares adjustment of a previously existing ephemeris to a variety of observational data, followed by a numerical integration of the dynamical equations of motion that describe the gravitational physics of the solar system. The final phase of the ephemeris creation process has there three main ingredients:
  1. the equations of motion describing the gravitational physics that governs the dynamical motions of the bodies
  2. an accurate method to integrate the equations of motion
  3. initial conditions and dynamical constants, i.e., the starting positions and velocities of the bodies at some initial epoch together with the values for various constants that affect the motion
It is mainly the accuracy of the initial conditions and dynamical constants that determine the accuracy of modern-day ephemerides. The values of the initial conditions and constants are determined by their least-square fitting to observational data. The accuracy of this adjustment, and thus of the ephemerides themselves, depends primarily on the accuracy of the observational data.

More details about the JPL ephemerides can be found in the following references:
  1. E. M. Standish & J. G. Williams, Orbital Ephemerides of the Sun, Moon and Planets, in: Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac, Chapter 8; online available here (details about emphemeris construction, equations).
  2. E. M. Standish, Interoffice Memorandum 312.F, August 1998; online available here (fits to observational data, constants).
  3. For data download see the README file from October 2007; online available here (data download).

Ephemerides VSOP2000

The VSOP2000 ephemerides have been constructed at the Institut de mécanique céleste et de calcul des éphémérides (IMCCE) in Paris. It is an analytical solution of the motion of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the Earth-Moon Barycenter. Rectangular heliocentric coordinates for the planets and geocentric coordinates for the moon are computed to 8th order of the masses with:
  • action of the 8 planets from Mercury to Neptune
  • action of Pluto on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  • action of asteroides and Moon on Mercury, Venus, Earth-Moon and Mars.
In the data files, the rectangular coordinates are given as Poisson series, referring to the dynamical equinox and ecliptic of the year 2000 (J2000). More details about the construction of the VSOP2000 ephemerides can be found in: X. Moisson & P. Bretagnon, Analytical Planetary solution VSOP2000, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 80 (2001), 205-213.

The VSOP2000 ephemerides recently have become available

Lunar Solution ELP/MPP02

ELP/MPP02 is a semi-analytical solution for the orbital motion of the Moon. It contains the following components:
  • the Main Problem "Moon, Earth and Sun" using a keplerian orbit for the Earth-Moon barycenter
  • the direct planetary perturbations due to the action of the planets on the Moon
  • the indirect planetary perturbations induced by the deviation of the Earth-Moon barycenter from a keplerian orbit
  • the Earth's figure perturbation including nutational motion of the Earth
  • the Moon's figure perturbations including effects up to the 3rd order
  • the relativistic effects
  • the tidal perturbations.
The constants of this lunar ephemeris have been fitted to the numerical integration DE406 of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The ELP/MPP02 ephemeris includes 45053 Poisson series' terms and is valid from 3000 BC to 3000 AD. More details about the ephemeris construction can be found in the following references:
  1. J. Chapront & G. Francou, Lunar Solution ELP version ELP/MPP02; online available here.
  2. elpb82.ps
  3. J. Chapront & G. Francou, The lunar theory ELP revisited. Introduction of new planetary perturbations, Astronomy & Astrophysics 404 (2003), 735-742; online available here.
  4. data download


Along with the construction of purely analytical or semi-analytical theories (e.g. ELP/MPP02) of the lunar motion and the development of purely numerical lunar ephemeris (e.g. DE406) a combined approach can be used. Such an approach was used for the construction of the LEA-406b lunar ephemeris in Moscow. A spectral analysis of values for lunar coordinates precalculated with a small sampling step on the basis of the latest long-term numerical ephemeris of the moon (DE405/406). The form of the resulting series is very similar to that given by the modern analytical theories of the lunar motion. It keeps all the advantages of the latter, but the accuracy proves to be compatible to the accuracy of the source numerical ephemeris. The LEA-406b ephemeris includes 7952 Poisson series' terms and is valid from 3000 BC to 3000 AD.

More details about the LEA406 ephemerides can be found in the following reference:
S. M. Kudryavtsev, Long-term harmonic development of lunar ephemeris, Astronomy & Astrophysics 471 (2007), 1069-1075, online accessible

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Created by Rita Gautschy